Kit: Red skort, red shirt, red socks
Venue: Slough Hockey Club, Upton Park, Upton Court Road, Slough, Berks, SL3 7LT.
Please note there is a roundabout where you turn left (or right depending which way you come from) to get to the club. After you have turned at the roundabout a new housing estate is ahead of you and you go round to the right and then left further down - the club is signposted.
As a club, we are committed to assisting our players who, as part of their academic studies, are required to capture video footage of competitive sporting events. To facilitate this, we extend our permission to family members and authorised individuals to record and photograph matches for such use.
Furthermore, footage is reviewed for training purposes and can be used in marketing.
Please inform me if that is an issue prior to the match.