U14 Boys Development
U14 Boys DevelopmentOverviewMatchesStatsReports
Sun 15 Oct 2017
Marlow Hockey Club
U14 Boys Development
St Albans Boys U14
Marlow BU14D 1 - St Albans 5

Marlow BU14D 1 - St Albans 5

Andrew Nye16 Oct 2017 - 17:57
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Marlow BU14 D game was good experience for a developing side.

Marlow BU14 boys vs St Albans 1-5 final score
Some great efforts from the boys, tough game as St Albans were generally older/bigger and had several pretty talented players, one or two very good!

E had a LOT of work to do and stood up to it well, even stayed on to play GK for the U16, great debut! First half was 3-0 to them, though 2 of them sucker punch goals, big hit clearances which our defence half stopped allowing their forwards to run onto the ball/goal one on one vs E! Second half was better, 2-1 to them, another of them a sucker punch goal!

Boys need to improve on accurate direct passing and we'll be a force to be reckoned with.

C played really well IMO, ended with him at centre mid and he did well.

S (RD) did well after a disappointment of giving away a soft goal (robbed in possession when he should have cleared) he accepted his mistake and learnt from it, playing solidly for the rest.

F too did well in wide midfield positions, worked hard and linked play. D did a solid job at LD too..

C’s mum did a great job helping with sub management

Additional short corners to be worked on for future games.

Great to see the boys playing 11 a side and some real potential if we can get the team play more embedded.
Match report by Mark who did an amazing job of umpiring and organising the team and subs rotation too.

Match details

Match date

Sun 15 Oct 2017



Meet time



Meet at 10.30 at Great Marlow School (entrance to car park is through the Redgrave Sports centre entrance and floow the road round to near playing fields), pitch is a short walk from there.
Playing in red, red, red.
PB is 11.00a.m.
Snacks after the match as no facilities on site.
Match fees £5
Team overview
Further reading